Just taking a moment to update on Stehle's amazing progress! June 29 she had her V flap surgery that was every bit as hard as all VCFS moms warned me. But the good news is that recovery happens fast with her. The surgery was to hopefully help with her speech and give her some improved equipment to work with. Everything went as planned, her flap was built and is working well for her. She has never been able to say "B", "P" or "D" sounds and 5 hours out of surgery she asked for "DADDY" and it was clear as could be. We are so proud of her! Speech therapy is going well, she is now going twice a week as well as starting school next week where she will recieve additional speech services.
The confidence her improved speech has given her is profound. Stehle is much more willing to talk but is still using a lot of sign language, especially now that her little sister is signing up a storm! :-)
I have to mention that August 22-28 is VCFS/DiGeorge Syndrome Awareness Week. If you read this blog than you have been touched by VCFS, please try to sport your pink and blue and tell someone about VCFS/DiGeorge Syndrome.