Thursday, October 29, 2009

Doing great!

Stehle is doing so well these last few months since her last surgery it's amazing. She is packing on the pounds and staying healthy.
However we have found out through her infectious disease specialist that Stehle is not responding to her vaccines. When her blood was tested, she showed no antibodies in her system. Especially her DTAP vaccine. Which is scary for her since she already has a compromised immune system, we want to make sure she does not catch any of the illnesses that the vaccines would have helped her fight off.
We only hope that others in our community are being vaccinated and hopefully it will narrow the chances of Stehle catching something.
And of course it is flu season so we are living in a bubble a little bit. But so far it is working.
And the mother in me feels like I have to say, please stay home if your sick and wash your hands.