So it is time for another update I suppose!
Stehle health wise is doing great. At her last Cardiologist check up there were no changes, still watching with her aortic valve disorder. Her immune system is holding up well and her cleft repair is in tact and looking perfect.
So now we are living therapy. Stehle has speech therapy, occupational therapy, equine therapy and we are starting music therapy. The good news is that with the exception of speech she seems to enjoy all of them. Which is understandable since speech is such a challenge for her right now. She is trying so hard though, we are so proud of her progress.
In February Stehle will start the PPCD (Preschool Program for Children with Disablilities) program at the public school here. We are hoping the change in environment will promote speech also.
For now she is doing great, growing and just a joy to be around.