So it is time for another update I suppose!
Stehle health wise is doing great. At her last Cardiologist check up there were no changes, still watching with her aortic valve disorder. Her immune system is holding up well and her cleft repair is in tact and looking perfect.
So now we are living therapy. Stehle has speech therapy, occupational therapy, equine therapy and we are starting music therapy. The good news is that with the exception of speech she seems to enjoy all of them. Which is understandable since speech is such a challenge for her right now. She is trying so hard though, we are so proud of her progress.
In February Stehle will start the PPCD (Preschool Program for Children with Disablilities) program at the public school here. We are hoping the change in environment will promote speech also.
For now she is doing great, growing and just a joy to be around.
I know I have said it before, but still can't seem to say it enough, Stehle is SUCH a joy to be around, to talk to, and, in general, interact with, on any level. And, while we all seem to focus on Stehle's needs and accomplishments (and there are many of them), we seem to overlook the accomplishments of you and Landon as parents. How blessed is this little angel and HUGE blessing to have such AWESOME parents?! Stehle thrives, and if it wasn't for you guys, I firmly believe this wouldn't be the case. NEVER forget to pat yourselves on the back, as parents, for the leaps and bounds in progress that has been acheived by her thanks to you and Landon's love, support, and perhaps most importanly, FIGHT! You guys are an inspiration, and I feel I am the luckiest big sister in the world to be able to call you, Jenna, my baby sister! From Mom to Mom, as our children always seem to be our "babies", you will always be "baby sister" to me and to see you be the pinnacle of strength, understanding, and most importantly, LOVE is awe-inspiring! I am also thankful beyond words that you have been able to find a partner like Landon that supports, loves, and has the fight that you do, because Lord knows you have TONS of it (this is one of my many favorite things about you!) I am so glad Stehle has been able to achieve the things she has, and that she's my neice. She is a gem, and angel, and such a blessing, and that still doesn't seem to do her justice! No matter how many times I pray and thank the good Lord she is a part of our lives (and I do every night), she nver fails to make her Aunt B grin ear-to-ear with the sound of that "HI!" and "Beeeeeee" coming from the other end of the phone line. I'm super proud of all you! I love you guys! YAY FOR NOODLE!!!!!
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