Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Stehle's Summer

Well I guess it's time for an update! It's been about a month since the Step up for Stehle benefit, which was a huge success. Thanks again to everyone for their help, hard work and donations.

Since my last post Stehle has been doing really well. She was fighting a sinus infection that she couldn't kick for about a month and half which caused a cyst to form in her throat. So after a month of switching medications and antibiotics she finally kicked it.

Then we made the big move to Glen Rose which we love! Landon was offered a position in Cleburne and then this way we get to be closer to all of Stehle's specialists. No more airplane trips for Stehle for a while, although she did enjoy them.

And last, Stehle had her cleft palate surgery Sept.2 and she did so great! Hopefully that will be the last cleft palate surgery she will have. She was released from the hospital the day after her surgery, she had no breathing problems, her ticker did great and she was drinking some juice while still in the ICU recovery. She is such a trooper. Stehle is now a week out from her cleft palate surgery and running wild. You would never think she had surgery a week ago. She still has to wear her arm restraints when she's sleeping or in her car seat, but she doesn't seem to mind them at all. She just lets us put them on with no fuss at all!

This summer has been a great one! Stehle is walking, loves playing in the sprinkler, loves animals especially puppies and looks completely healthy.

1 comment:

  1. Jenna--
    We are all so glad to hear that everyone is doing so well. There is power in prayer and stength in friendship. We are elated the benefit was a success. Now maybe yall can come and visit again soon. Love from the river people--Lois and PeeWee
    p.s. He is doing great. We saw the surgeon today & he was released; only 2 weeks after the procedure!!
